Details of request “Сопственичка структура на Фк Победа Прилеп

Event history

This table shows the technical details of the internal events that happened to this request on Слободен Пристап.

id event_type created_at described_state last_described_at calculated_state link
545  sent  2023-01-10 14:00:29 +0100  waiting_response  2023-01-10 14:00:29 +0100  waiting_response  outgoing  
547  response  2023-01-13 12:33:54 +0100    2023-01-18 22:26:26 +0100  not_held  incoming  
559  status_update  2023-01-18 22:26:25 +0100  not_held  2023-01-18 22:26:26 +0100  not_held   
994  edit  2023-07-19 05:45:15 +0200         
995  edit  2023-07-19 05:45:16 +0200         
996  edit  2023-07-19 05:45:16 +0200         

In the description column is filled the status of the request defined by the Information Applicant.

In the column system description is filled the status which is defined by the portal, according to the steps taken by the users.